Affordable Housing
Brook Cottages
Brook Cottages are for tenants with a local connection to Stourton. There are no current vacancies.

These houses are only for rent by tenants with a Local Connection with the Parish of Stourton and adjoining parishes, who also meet the financial and other criteria set out in the Allocation Policy agreed with the Stourton Parish Council. Rents will never be greater than 80% of market rent. The houses are entirely owned and financed by Stourhead (Western) Estate, and have no connection with Homes for Wiltshire or any Housing Association or the Wiltshire Council Housing List.
Sadly, although we obtained permission to build four more homes at Bonham, they will not be built. With the help of expensive lawyers, Erik Ruane of Bonham Manor threatened Wiltshire County Council with a judicial review, which lead to the permission being quashed.