Horse Riding
We operate a permit scheme for horse riders, jointly with the National Trust. This gives access to over 50 miles of woodland tracks. Permits cost £36 per horse rider per year, and run from April to April. If you buy your permit after 1st October it will be half price. If you buy one in the new year we will give you one for the following year. We will send a map to all new permit holders. Please carry your permit card with you. We may ask to see it. More importantly you will have it with you if there should be an accident: the back of the tag lists emergency information.
The permit gives access to all the woodland tracks in the area shown on the map.
Riders are asked not to bring dogs, for the safety of other riders and the wildlife. However well behaved your dog, we do not feel that it is possible to be in full control from the back of a horse. Some tracks can be very wet in winter, so please use your good sense. Tracks can also become obstructed by low branches or fallen trees. If this happens please let us know and we will clear the obstruction.
To obtain a permit please ring Sally Monkhouse on 01747 445004, e-mail at sally.monkhouse@stourhead.com or visit Stourhead Farm Shop.