Roast Vegetable and Beef Casserole

It is an irony of our climate that tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables that need a long growing season are not at their best until autumn when the evenings are getting decidedly cool and you feel like something a bit more warming than a tomato salad. This is one solution.
- 500g diced stewing steak
- 1 onion, chopped finely
- about 1 Kg of roastable vegetables, e.g.: aubergine, peppers, tomatoes, courgette, carrots, shallots, garlic or elephant garlic
- 1 tbs wine vinegar
- 1 tbs tomato puree
- olive oil
- Salt and black pepper
- pinch of saffron (optional)
- water
Brown the meat thoroughly in a little olive oil, and tip into a casserole dish. Soften the onion in frying pan with a bit more oil. Add the vinegar, a little water and the tomato puree and boil to get any tasty bits off the pan. Add this to the casserole and top up with water to almost cover the meat. Cook for about 2 hours in total, if using our beef. If you are not sure the beef has been properly hung give it longer.
Meanwhile, cut the veg into chunks where needed, drizzle with oil and stir around and roast in a hot oven. Courgettes and aubergines take longest (say 40 min). Garlic and cherry tomatoes need least time, add them later. 20 minutes before the meat is ready, add the veg to the stew. Season with salt, pepper and saffron and leave for the remainder of the cooking time.