We really value the experience of shopping in a deli. To be able to walk up to a counter and say, "what will I like?", and to be enthusiastically lead through the options by someone who knows and loves their food, is a joy. If you have to try every one of our thirty-three West Country cheeses before you find the perfect one for you, so be it! This is food shopping for pleasure, not just to stay alive.

On site we produce a wide range of cooked meats, from traditional ham and salt beef, to our smoked pastrami. Our smoker uses pure oak sawdust from the estate sawmill. What can be more Stourhead than wild roe venison from the woods, smoked with oak sawdust from those same trees?

If you need instant sustenance after a gruelling stroll around the gardens, we cook pies, sausage rolls, quiches and our famous Stourhead Pasties.