This dish is seen in various forms in Spain and South America. The name is from "mata ambre" or "kill hunger". It is very versatile and can been eaten hot or cold.

- 800 g / 1lb 8oz skirt steak
- 2 tbs white bread crumbs
- 1 egg
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- 1 tbs chopped parsley
- 1 red pepper
- 1 yellow pepper
- 20 fine french beans
- salt & pepper
- 1 tbs oil for frying
- 1 large onion, finely chopped
- 250 ml / 1/2 pint beef stock (cube will do)
Spread out the skirt steak. If you can get it in one piece, fantastic. More likely you will need a couple of pieces. If there are any thick parts slice along the grain towards the end but not right to the end and fold to give you a larger flat piece.

Mix the bread crumbs, parsley and egg into a paste. Spread this on the meat, not quite to the edges. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the peppers into strips, and arrange them and the beans on the breadcrumb mix, at right angles to the direction in which you are going to roll the meat.
Roll the whole thing up and tie with string, or use butchers elastic bands (ask in the shop and we will give you some). Sear the roll(s) all over in a little oil in a flame proof casserole. When nicely browned put the meat to one side while you soften the onions in the rest of the oil. Once they are soft put the meat back in and add the stock. It should come about half way up the meat.

Cover and bring to the boil. Then either reduce the flame to a slow simmer, or put in a low oven (130 C) and cook for 1 1/2 hours. If serving hot, reduce the stock a bit for a gravy. If you are having it cold, leave to cool in the stock. Cut in thick slices. In Chile they would eat it with aji, a thick chilli sauce, but English mustard is even better.